An Opus v4 CopyWin replacement

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  Leo's script below, emulates the function of the 'CopyWin' function that 
was available in Opus v4.  See the comments at the start of the script for 
the usage of it. 
  The script checks for existence of a SOURCE and DESTINATION lister, 
if it can't find either then it exits with an error message.  If both exist, then 
it finds the path of the SOURCE lister and tells the DESTINATION lister to 
read it in. 
  You could eliminate the steps where it finds the SOURCE path and reads 
it into the DESTINATION lister by replacing them with the  lister copy  
  So this: 
lister query source_handle.0 path 
source_path = RESULT 
lister read dest_handle.0 '"'||source_path||'"' 
  could be replaced by this: 
lister copy source_handle.0 dest_handle.0 
/* WinCopy for Directory Opus 5. 
   by Leo 'Nudel' Davidson for Gods'Gift Utilities 
   email:  www: 
$VER: WinCopy.dopus5 1.4 (26.12.95) 
   NOTE: This script _requires_ DOpus v5.11 or above. 
   NOTE: DOpusFuncs is an assembler version of this (and other) scripts. 
   NOTE: This script does *NOT* do the same thing as Gary Gagnon's 
         "CloneSRCE.dopus5" or "same.dopus5", read on... 
   This script will copy the source lister to the destination lister, 
   like the old CopyWin command in DOpus4. 
   If you wish to open a _new_ lister which is a copy of the source 
   one (as apposed to turning an existing lister into a copy of the 
   source), you should use Gary Gagnon's "CloneSRCR.dopus5" script, 
   which was included in the official DOpus v5.11 update as 
   "DOpus5:ARexx/same.dopus5". Gary's script is also able to clone 
   multiple source listers at once. 
Call as: 
ARexx   DOpus5:ARexx/WinCopy.dopus5 {Qp} 
Turn off all switches. 
options results 
options failat 99 
signal on syntax;signal on ioerr                /* Error trapping */ 
parse arg DOpusPort 
DOpusPort = Strip(DOpusPort,"B",'" ') 
If DOpusPort="" THEN Do 
        Say "Not correctly called from Directory Opus 5!" 
        Say "Load this ARexx script into an editor for more info." 
If ~Show("P",DOpusPort) Then Do 
        Say DOpusPort "is not a valid port." 
Address value DOpusPort 
lister query source stem source_handle. 
IF source_handle.count = 0 | source_handle.count = "SOURCE_HANDLE.COUNT" Then Do 
        dopus request '"You must have a SOURCE lister!" OK' 
lister query dest stem dest_handle. 
IF dest_handle.count = 0 | dest_handle.count = "DEST_HANDLE.COUNT" Then Do 
        dopus request '"You must have a DESTINATION lister!" OK' 
lister query source_handle.0 path 
source_path = RESULT 
lister read dest_handle.0 '"'||source_path||'"' 
syntax:;ioerr:                          /* In case of error, jump here */ 

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